The new branch of Craft beer line was created in ALSTEKA invoking all things together: Proven experience, proprietary recipes, challenging composition of brewing components and new attitude of nowadays concept to the Craft beer.

The unique approach of creating the new brands of Craft beer was involving famous artists in the creating of the products.

The best samples of this outcome are the following items of beer: “Voodoo tune“; „Heathens Saviour“; „Honey Meadow“; „Wheat Molly“; „Buck‘s Salvation“; „Shrove Miracle“; „BlueBuck“

Voodoo June

Unifltered pale ale

This is pale beer which contains 5.0% of alcohol by volume.

It is made under unique recipe of regional brewers.

Beer becomes exceptionally tasty and flavorful after long period of maturation. This beer is not filtered and yeast is not being separated when it's being produced.

You may feel a soft taste of Magnum, Traditional and Cascade hops.

Available in 500ml and 330ml bottles